About Hiz Will..
Hailing from the small Southern Californian town of Rialto, Hiz Will's journey to becoming a leading figure in the R&G (Rhythm & Gospel) movement was far from straightforward. Born with a gift for music, Will initially chose to pursue a career in R&B, joining the group Hyacin in the mid-90s. Despite tasting some success, he felt that something was missing in his life, leading him to leave the group and go to college. It wasn't until he reconnected with his faith and submerged himself in gospel music that he found his true calling. Hiz Will's name speaks to the central role that God plays in his life, and his music is a testament to that. His unique blend of R&B, gospel, hip hop and pop has helped to create a new movement that is capturing the hearts and minds of audiences everywhere. With his infectious sound and heartfelt lyrics, Hiz Will's goal is to lead those who are lost to Christ through the R&G movement. Every step of the way, he gives all the glory to God, surrendering his all to his Lord and Savior. This is an artist who is truly dedicated to spreading joy and inspiration through his music, and his journey is only just beginning.